1905 $20 Dollar Bill Gold Certificate Technicolor
1896 $5.00 Dollar Bill Silver Certificate Educational Series
1869 $5.00 Legal Tender Rainbow Woodchopper
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Currency Appraisal and Old Paper Money Dealer
Greg Davis

Silver Certificates Series 1878 "The Blackbacks"

1878 Series Silver Certificate bills are rare and desirable. The notes are sometimes called black backs because of the striking black printing on the back. There are fewer than 70 notes known across all denominations so all notes have real value. When I look at the color of the back it reminds me of the color that silver tarnishes. I wonder if that was the intention? This is a series where the back of the note is the star. They came in a variety of signature combinations and seal colors. Some of the early notes are hand signed. These are all rare rare and can be worth five to six figures in superb condition.

We are always buying! Call or send pictures of your old money today. +1 (914) 439-3666

1878 $10 Dollar Silver Certificate
1878 $10 Dollar Silver Certificate

There are about 20 known examples of the 1878 $20 Dollar bill and most of those are the last issue which were signed by Scofield-Gilfillan and payable in Washington DC. Auction appearences are few and far between but when the note does come up it's always at least five figures and sometimes sic figures. A nice mid-grade example will appraise in the $20,000 to $30,000 range. A full range of values would be from $5,000 for a rag to well into six figures for an uncirculated example.

1878 $20 Dollar Silver Certificate
1878 $20 Dollar Silver Certificate

The $20 in the 1878 series is more common than the $10 for some reason. There are about 25 known to survive. One of these notes sold for just a touch under 150,000 so you know what a raritythey are. A solid mid-grade note will cost around $25,000 more or less. A nice high grade note will also make six figures.

1878 $50 Dollar Silver Certificate
1878 $50 Dollar Silver Certificate

The Series 1878 $50 Dollar bill is almost not collectible since there are only six notes known to exist. Of the six, one is permanently impounded in the ANA museum. Two are in the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco;s collection. So, fully half the known examples are locked away from collectors for good. Because of this, you must be well healed and prepared to grab one of these if they come to market.

1878 $100 Dollar Silver Certificate
1878 $100 Dollar Silver Certificate

The Series 1878 $100 Dollar bill is exeedingly rare with only six examples known to exist. Of these six, three of them are in Federal hands and one is in the ANA museum. This leaves only two notes for collectors to enjoy. The most recent sale I could find was in 1989 when a low to mid grade note sold for just under $60,000.00 The example above is owned by the Ana Museum in Colorado Springs, CO.

We are always buying! Call or send pictures of your old money today. +1 (914) 439-3666