1905 $20 Dollar Bill Gold Certificate Technicolor
1896 $5.00 Dollar Bill Silver Certificate Educational Series
1869 $5.00 Legal Tender Rainbow Woodchopper
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Greg Davis
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Maine National Bank Paper Money

There are 128 National Bank charters in Maine that issued paper money. Below is a list of every bank in Maine to issue national currency. Click on the name of the bank to learn what bills they issued including the types and general rarity. Use the filters on the right to narrow your search down. If you have any questions about Maine national currency please let me know.

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Charter Bank Name City State Charter Year
61 First National Bank of BathBathMaine1863
112 First National Bank of BangorBangorMaine1863
154 First National Bank of AuburnAuburnMaine1863
192 First National Bank of BrunswickBrunswickMaine1864
221 First National Bank of PortlandPortlandMaine1864
239 First National Bank of SkowheganSkowheganMaine1864
298 Second National Bank of SkowheganSkowheganMaine1864
306 Second National Bank of BangorBangorMaine1864
310 First National Bank of HallowellHallowellMaine1864
330 First National Bank of LewistonLewistonMaine1864
367 First National Bank of AugustaAugustaMaine1864
406 Freeman's National Bank of AugustaAugustaMaine1864
446 First National Bank of DamariscottaDamariscottaMaine1864
494 Bath National BankBathMaine1864
498 Granite National Bank of AugustaAugustaMaine1864
518 Kenduskeag National Bank of BangorBangorMaine1864
532 Northern National Bank of HallowellHallowellMaine1864
553 National Bank of WinthropWinthropMaine1864
624 American National Bank of HallowellHallowellMaine1864
662 First National Bank of RichmondRichmondMaine1864
740 Oakland National Bank of GardinerGardinerMaine1865
744 Waldoboro National Bank, WaldoboroWaldoboroMaine1865
761 Lincoln National Bank of BathBathMaine1865
762 Ticonic National Bank of WatervilleWatervilleMaine1865
782 Marine National Bank of BathBathMaine1865
798 Waterville National Bank, WatervilleWatervilleMaine1865
840 Belfast National BankBelfastMaine1865
878 Second National Bank of PortlandPortlandMaine1865
880 Peoples National Bank of WatervilleWatervilleMaine1865
890 Thomaston National Bank, ThomastonThomastonMaine1865
901 Sandy River National Bank of FarmingtonFarmingtonMaine1865
909 Richmond National Bank, RichmondRichmondMaine1865
939 Cobbossoe National Bank of GardinerGardinerMaine1865
941 Canal National Bank of PortlandPortlandMaine1865
944 National Village Bank of BowdoinhamBowdoinhamMaine1865
953 New Castle National Bank, New CastleNew CastleMaine1865
959 South Berwick National Bank, South BerwickSouth BerwickMaine1865
1023 Merchants National Bank of PortlandPortlandMaine1865
1041 Sagadahock National Bank of BathBathMaine1865
1060 Casco National Bank, PortlandPortlandMaine1865
1079 Bucksport National Bank, BucksportBucksportMaine1865
1089 First National Bank of BiddefordBiddefordMaine1865
1095 Traders National Bank of BangorBangorMaine1865
1108 Medomak National Bank of WaldoboroWaldoboroMaine1865
1118 Union National Bank of BrunswickBrunswickMaine1865
1134 Orono National Bank, OronoOronoMaine1865
1142 The Georges National Bank of ThomastonThomastonMaine1865
1174 Gardiner National Bank, GardinerGardinerMaine1865
1254 Ocean National Bank of KennebunkKennebunkMaine1865
1315 Pejepscot National Bank of BrunswickBrunswickMaine1865
1425 Calais National Bank, CalaisCalaisMaine1865
1437 Merchants National Bank of BangorBangorMaine1865
1446 Rockland National Bank, RocklandRocklandMaine1865
1451 National Traders Bank of PortlandPortlandMaine1865
1495 Frontier National Bank of EastportEastportMaine1865
1511 Cumberland National Bank of PortlandPortlandMaine1865
1523 North Berwick National Bank, North BerwickNorth BerwickMaine1865
1528 York National Bank of SacoSacoMaine1865
1535 Saco National Bank, SacoSacoMaine1865
1549 First National Bank of WiscassetWiscassetMaine1865
1575 Biddeford National Bank, BiddefordBiddefordMaine1865
1687 Farmers National Bank of BangorBangorMaine1868
1956 Norway National Bank, NorwayNorwayMaine1872
2089 Veazie National Bank of BangorBangorMaine1873
2097 Lime Rock National Bank of RocklandRocklandMaine1873
2175 First National Bank of FairfieldFairfieldMaine1874
2231 West Waterville National Bank of OaklandOaklandMaine1875
2259 First National Bank of DexterDexterMaine1875
2260 Manufacturers National Bank of LewistonLewistonMaine1875
2267 Union National Bank of PhillipsPhillipsMaine1875
2270 National Shoe and Leather Bank of AuburnAuburnMaine1875
2306 Merchants National Bank of WatervilleWatervilleMaine1875
2311 Camden National Bank, CamdenCamdenMaine1875
2371 North National Bank of RocklandRocklandMaine1877
2642 Searsport National Bank, SearsportSearsportMaine1882
2743 First National Bank of BathBathMaine1882
2749 First National Bank of HoultonHoultonMaine1882
2785 Limerick National Bank, LimerickLimerickMaine1882
3219 Merchants National Bank of GardinerGardinerMaine1884
3247 Hallowell National Bank, HallowellHallowellMaine1884
3271 Augusta National Bank, AugustaAugustaMaine1884
3690 Kined National Bank of DoverDoverMaine1887
3804 Burrill National Bank of EllsworthEllsworthMaine1887
3814 First National Bank of EllsworthEllsworthMaine1887
3827 Presque Isle National Bank, Presque IslePresque IsleMaine1887
3941 First National Bank of Bar Harbor, EdenEdenMaine1888
4128 Portland National Bank, PortlandPortlandMaine1889
4188 Pittsfield National Bank, PittsfieldPittsfieldMaine1889
4252 Farmers National Bank of HoultonHoultonMaine1890
4459 First National Bank of FarmingtonFarmingtonMaine1890
4647 First National Bank of MadisonMadisonMaine1891
4780 First National Bank of GuilfordGuilfordMaine1892
4781 Fort Fairfield National Bank, Fort FairfieldFort FairfieldMaine1892
4806 Peoples National Bank of BelfastBelfastMaine1892
4844 York County National Bank of York VillageYork VillageMaine1893
4868 Chapman National Bank of PortlandPortlandMaine1893
4957 Phillips National Bank, PhillipsPhillipsMaine1894
4973 National Bank of FairfieldFairfieldMaine1894
5050 Sanford National Bank, SanfordSanfordMaine1896
5598 First National Bank of Boothbay HarborBoothbay HarborMaine1900
5861 Peoples National Bank of FarmingtonFarmingtonMaine1901
6190 Caribou National Bank, CaribouCaribouMaine1902
6231 Megunticook National Bank of CamdenCamdenMaine1902
6287 Rumford National Bank, RumfordRumfordMaine1902
7586 City National Bank of BelfastBelfastMaine1905
7613 Bethel National Bank, BethelBethelMaine1905
7835 Springvale National Bank, SpringvaleSpringvaleMaine1905
9181 Bridgton National Bank, BridgtonBridgtonMaine1908
9609 National Bank of GardinerGardinerMaine1909
9826 Kezar Falls National Bank, Kezar FallsKezar FallsMaine1910
10628 First National Bank of Van BurenVan BurenMaine1914
11403 First National Bank of Fort KentFort KentMaine1919
11462 Machias National Bank, MachiasMachiasMaine1919
13710 National Bank of Commerce of PortlandPortlandMaine1933
13716 First National Bank at PortlandPortlandMaine1933
13750 Norway National Bank, NorwayNorwayMaine1933
13768 Northern National Bank of Presque IslePresque IsleMaine1933
13777 First National Bank of PittsfieldPittsfieldMaine1933
13843 First National Bank of Fort FairfieldFort FairfieldMaine1933
14224 First National Bank in Fort KentFort KentMaine1934
  • City
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  • Bank Name (partial ok)
  • Territory/State
  • Issued Note Type
  • Issued Denomination

  • 120 banks shown