1905 $20 Dollar Bill Gold Certificate Technicolor
1896 $5.00 Dollar Bill Silver Certificate Educational Series
1869 $5.00 Legal Tender Rainbow Woodchopper
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Greg Davis
<< Ten Dollar Bill Currency Guide

1923 10 Dollar Bill Legal Tender Value and Information

1923 10 Dollar Bill Legal Tender Pokerchip Note 1923 $10 Ten Dollar Bill Legal Tender Note
The 1923 10 dollar bill Legal Tender is also known as the Pokerchip for the design on the reverse.
This is a one year only type note and as such, pretty rare... there just aren't enough to satisfy collector demand.
The 1923 10 dollar bill pokerchip tend to come in either very nice grade or tired and old.
Uncirculated examples of the 1923 10 dollar bill are rare and highly sought after.
In any case, these notes are valued between $400 and $15000+ for Gem Examples.
If you have a 1923 10 Ten Dollar bill please contact me to find out what it's worth.

Related Search: 1923 $10.00 Dollar Bill, 1923 $10 Dollar Bill, 1923 $10 Dollar Note, 1923 $10 Note, 1923 $10 Bill, 1923 $10 Dollar