1905 $20 Dollar Bill Gold Certificate Technicolor
1896 $5.00 Dollar Bill Silver Certificate Educational Series
1869 $5.00 Legal Tender Rainbow Woodchopper
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Greg Davis
<< Five Dollar Bill Currency Guide

1869 Five Dollar Bill Legal Tender Value and Information

The 1869 five dollar bill is a member of the "Rainbow notes" of 1869. The notes feature bright blue end paper loaded with blue security fibers. With the green swath across the top and the bright large seal, these notes are high on the list of the most beautiful the BEP produced. This note is the first design for the famous Woodchopper scene which would go on to be used in notes all the way up to 1907. If you have an 1869 $5 dollar bill and want to get a value for insurance or sale Please send me a scan and I will be happy to help.

1869 Five Dollar Bill
1869 Five Dollar Bill Legal Tender Rainbow

We are always buying! Call or send pictures of your old money today. +1 (914) 439-3666